
Start your journey of body image healing

Check out our...

Body Image Healing Courses

All of our on-demand, self-guided courses offer…

Scientifically proven psychological skills and experiential techniques

 A trauma-informed framework that is intended to build safety and resilience

Teaching through anecdotes of lived experience to engage the brain

An integration of wisdom from lifestyle science, psychology and philosophy

Consideration of the unique experiences of neurodivergent women

Recognition of the intersectionality of body image healing

Foundation Course

Essential Wisdom for Body Image Healing

What is covered on this course:

  • How does The Wise Body Wheel provide a framework for body image healing?
  • What is involved in the five key Wise Body processes i.e. to Recognise, Regulate, Reframe, Respond and Reinforce?
  • What are the essential skills for carrying out these processes?
  • How can I start putting these skills into action?

Journey Courses

Healing from Body Shame and
Body-based Worth

Healing from Size Dissatisfaction and Appearance Concerns

Healing your Relationship with Food and Exercise

Healing your Confidence to Show Up
Fully in your Life

But you don’t have to do it alone!

Live Coaching Packages are available to support you in completing a course for as long as you need…